Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the growth of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably, and destroy body tissue. Cancer can spread through your body. At times, however, normal cells lose the capacity to direct and to restrict their growth. They divide and grow without any order and form surplus cells that we call tumors.
What are the traditional therapies?
In the first example, the oncologist will examine the individual to ascertain what stage the cancer has spread from the beginning point. There are normally four stages of cancer. When the oncologist has identified the stage the cancer is at, they could plan to utilize the accepted treatment for the specific cancer.
What are the Holistic medicine alternatives?
Cancer Tumors can spread quickly and endanger life; the remedies therefore used against this potent disease must equally be powerful. The methods have to be safe for the individual but effective in killing cancer cells. Using conventional treatment, it is rarely possible to limit the effects of cancer treatment so that only cancer cells are destroyed. Normally, healthy cells are often damaged in exactly the exact same time. Because of this, cancer patients receiving traditional treatments must suffer through many different unpleasant and often extremely painful side effects. The fact remains that these conventional methods not helpful in managing cancer on the long run. Some of the therapies used to effectively treat cancer include:
This is a strong mineral substance with the ability to kill cancer cells in days! They are powerful detoxifiers and enhance the alkalinity of the body and trigger the P21 gene which tells a cancer cell to die, and because they could literally ruin the nucleus of cancerous cells. Liquid zeolite is vital for detox.
Oxygen therapy
Oxygen Treatment is a form of holistic therapy based upon the assumption that all harmful bacteria, viruses, germs and fungi that are influenza, colds, AIDs, candida albicans and cancerous cells are anaerobic. In other words it is impossible for them to flourish in high oxygen environments. Thus, to maintain good health and energy, the human body needs a rich source of oxygen.
Bio magnetic therapy
Bio magnetic Therapy is easy and natural and its program is very similar to acupuncture. It is brought health benefits to people around the world. Today there is a booming interest in using magnets to control pain. Some holistic medical practitioners think that magnetic energy can help reorient the polarity of the cancer cell and help induce differentiation which would make the cell non cancerous.
Nutritional therapy
Nutritional treatment by doctor in dallas is a holistic medicine, using food, juicing and supplements to encourage the body’s natural recovery. It does this by: Detoxifying the body, correcting nutritional deficiencies, creating a suitable PH Degree and help develop a positive mental attitude.